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In Islam, the determination of whether certain luxury items, such as diamond watches, are haram (forbidden) or halal (permissible) involves considering various factors including material, intent, and ethical considerations. This article specifically addresses the permissibility of diamond watches for men under Islamic law.

Islamic Guidelines on Jewelry for Men

Islamic teachings provide clear guidelines regarding what men can and cannot wear:

1. Gold

One of the most significant considerations for men wearing jewelry in Islam is the prohibition of gold:

2. Other Metals and Materials

For materials other than gold, the guidelines are more lenient:

Intent and Use

The intention behind wearing a diamond watch plays a critical role in determining its permissibility:

Economic and Ethical Considerations

1. Lawful Earnings

The wealth used to purchase a diamond watch must come from halal sources. Earnings derived from unlawful activities, such as theft or interest (riba), would make the purchase haram.

2. Ethical Sourcing of Diamonds

The origin of the diamonds used in the watch also matters:

Scholarly Opinions

Islamic scholars offer varying opinions on the permissibility of luxury items for men:

Consulting a Knowledgeable Scholar

For personalized advice, consulting a knowledgeable Islamic scholar or local imam is recommended. They can provide guidance based on specific circumstances and interpretations of Islamic law.


In summary, whether diamond watches are haram for men depends on several factors:

By adhering to these guidelines, men can make informed decisions that align with their faith.

For more insights on Islamic perspectives on luxury items, visit our Men’s Watches page.

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